International travel on account
Traveling to Brussels, London, Paris or Berlin? The international train is the most sustainable, most comfortable and often the fastest means of transport. It is one of the services of the NS-Business Card that you can turn on and off in Mijn NS Zakelijk.
Book your international train journey in Mijn NS Zakelijk
International travel
Reading duration: 1 minutes
Your benefits
  • You book quickly and easily via Mijn NS Zakelijk.
  • You don't pay any purchase or subscription costs.
  • You pay after you travel via your NS-Business Card invoice.
Login Mijn NS Zakelijk
How does it work?
  • Log in to Mijn NS Zakelijk.
  • Click on 'My NS-Business Card' and make sure that the service 'International travel' is switched 'on'.
  • Ask the NS contact person in your organization to switch it on if you are not authorized to do so yourself.
  • Click on ‘Book an international journey’.
  • You will be forwarded to the NS International website.
  • Find and book your entire train journey here. From your departure station in the Netherlands to your destination abroad.
  • You’ll immediately receive your train ticket via e-mail to print or import to the NS International app.
Traveling with an international ticket
If you have booked your entire trip via Mijn NS Zakelijk, you do not have to check in and out on the domestic route with your NS Business Card.
Did you book your international journey from the departure station of the international train and make a domestic train journey before that? Then you check in and out on the domestic journey with your NS-Business Card. From the departure station of the international train you then travel on with your international train ticket (printed or imported in the app of NS International).
We recommend that you book the entire journey via Mijn NS Zakelijk so you won’t have to check in and out along the way.
  • Traveling with ICE International
  • Traveling with Eurostar
  • Traveling with Eurocity Direct or EuroCity
  • Traveling with Intercity Berlin