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Here you will find answers to questions that are currently the most frequently asked.
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Pick up, change or end subscription
Where can I collect my new subscription?
In order to use your new subscription you must activate it first. This can be done at an NS ticket machine at the station. Hold your NS-Business Card in front of the reader and select 'Retrieve order'. Your NS-Business Card with subscription is now active.
Which business subscriptions can I choose from?
Go to our subscriptions overview page.
Am I tied to a subscription or can I switch subscriptions during my contract?
No, you are not tied to anything. If you have an NS-Business Card with a subscription, you can cancel it every day after the first month. You can also easily switch between the different subscriptions.
You can always change to a more extensive subscription. You can terminate or adjust to a cheaper subscription after the first month. If you have a Traject Vrij subscription, you can change your fixed route at any time. Also within the first month. Everything is easy to arrange via your Mijn NS Zakelijk account.
How can I change a subscription on the NS-Business Card?
Changing to a more extensive subscription is always possible. Changing to a more advantageous subscription is possible after the first month. If you have a Traject Vrij subscription, you can change your route at any time. Even in the first month.
Change subscription for your employee
As a contact person you can change a subscription on your employee's NS-Business Card in Mijn NS Zakelijk. Go to 'Manage cards and cardholders' and select the card number. Then click on 'Change subscription' and select the desired subscription. Your employee will then receive an email from us with more information about picking up the subscription at an NS card machine.
Change subscription as cardholder
If your organization has included in the agreement with NS that you as a cardholder can change subscriptions yourself, you can do this in Mijn NS Zakelijk under 'My NS-Business Card'. In the 'Directly arrange' block, choose 'Change subscription'. You will then receive an e-mail from us with more information about collecting your subscription from an NS card machine. If you do not do this, the new subscription will not take effect.
Hoe kan ik een abonnement op de NS-Business Card beëindigen?
As a contact person, you can terminate a subscription to your employee's NS-Business Card any day after the first month. You do this in Mijn NS Zakelijk under 'Manage cards and cardholders' and then by clicking on the card number.
Are you an employee and is the agreement within your organization that you as cardholder can also terminate your subscription? Then do so in Mijn NS Zakelijk under 'My NS-Business Card'.
Have you terminated a subscription in Mijn NS Zakelijk? Then the next step is to pick up the termination at an NS card machine at one of our stations. The person traveling with the NS-Business Card will receive an e-mail from us with more information about this.
Invoices and payment period
Viewing and downloading invoices
We will e-mail you your monthly invoice as a PDF around the 14th of the month. If you are your organisation’s contact person, you will also be able to access attachments to the invoice in Mijn NS Zakelijk from that date as well. In these attachments, an invoice breakdown (PDF) and transaction summary (CSV), you will find a breakdown of all trips, transactions and costs.
Which period does my invoice cover?
All trips made are invoiced monthly in arrears. If you pay by direct debit, we will debit the amount from your organization's account 3 business days after receiving the invoice. If you pay by manual transfer, the payment term is 30 days after receipt of the invoice.
Payment by direct debit - an example
  • You and/or your employees travel in January
  • The invoice for January follows in February
  • The direct debit takes place approximately 3 working days after receiving your invoice
Payment by bank transfer - an example
  • You and/or your employees travel in January
  • January invoice will follow in February with a payment term of 30 days
  • You pay in March
When we e-mail you the invoice, the first sentence will be: “Here is your NS-Business Card invoice for [month]-[year]”. For example, if it says January 2024, this means that you will be invoiced for all transactions with a date in January 2024. This includes both travel transactions and subscription fees (if applicable in that month). In some cases, you may also find transactions of the previous month.
Ik heb het contract met NS Zakelijk opgezegd, maar ontvang nog wel een factuur. Hoe kan dat?
We will invoice all trips made monthly in arrears. We keep a payment period of 3 or 30 days. This means that you can receive an invoice even after your agreement with NS Zakelijk has been terminated. An example in the case of direct debit:
  • You and/or your employees travel in January.
  • The January invoice follows in February with a payment term of 3 or 30 days.
  • The direct debit takes place either 3 days after receiving the invoice, or in March.
How can I view my NS Flex invoices?
Do you travel with NS Flex and not an NS-Business Card? You can find the invoices of your NS Flex subscription or subscription on balance under the tab 'Payment overview' in Mijn NS. You will see your subscription costs and possibly your travel costs. Log in to Mijn NS to view your invoices.
NS-Business Card gestolen, kwijt of beschadigd
My NS-Business Card is stolen, lost or damaged. What should I do?
We are sorry to hear that your NS-Business Card has been stolen, lost or damaged. If you are self-employed, you can apply for a replacement card ('duplicate') in Mijn NS Zakelijk, after which your stolen, damaged or lost card will automatically be blocked. If you have an NS-Business Card as an employee of an organization, check within your organization who is allowed to request a duplicate card: yourself or the NS Zakelijk contact.
Apply for a duplicate card as follows:
  1. Log in to Mijn NS Zakelijk for cardholders with your business e-mail address.
  2. Go to 'My NS Business Card'.
  3. Under 'Directly arrange' you will see a button 'NS-Business Card stolen, lost or damaged? Request a duplicate". Clicking this will automatically block your card.
  4. Go through the steps.
  5. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with the reference number.
You will receive your new NS-Business Card within 10 working days at the address you entered.
Compensation for temporary travel
It is important that you can continue to travel, even if you are waiting for a duplicate card. If you had an NS-Business Card with a subscription, we will reimburse the trips you make from the moment you applied for a new card until the moment you receive this card. This applies to all subscriptions except Dal Voordeel.
You can submit the costs for e.g. single tickets or travel with your OV-chipkaart using this form. Under 'Reden van declaratie' select 'Verloren of gestolen abonnement'.
The NS-Business Card of one of our employees is stolen, lost or damaged. What should I do?
In Mijn NS Zakelijk you, as a contact person, can block the card and request a replacement card ('duplicate') for your employee. Here's how you do this:
  1. Log into Mijn NS Zakelijk.
  2. Go to 'Manage cards and cardholders' and search for the cardholder in question.
  3. Click on the card number to block and replace the card.
  4. Under 'Arrange directly' you will see a button 'NS-Business Card stolen, lost or damaged? Request a duplicate'. Clicking this will automatically block your card.
  5. Follow the steps to request a new (duplicate) card until you see the confirmation with the reference number of the order.
  6. Your employee will receive the replacement card within 10 working days at the address indicated.