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Charging and fueling
For many employees, the car is still popular for commuting and business trips. Because we want to be as complete as possible with our mobility platform NS Go, this includes charging and refueling. We can link NS Go to a variety of providers for charging and refueling solutions for seamless administration of all travel expenses.
Charging and fueling
How does it work?
  • All costs for charging and fueling come on the monthly NS Zakelijk invoice.
  • In principle, we can link with any provider of charging and fueling solutions such as Shell, MultiTankCard, MoveYou and Ease2Pay.
  • Employees charge or fuel via a physical card, drip or via the provider's app.
  • Coverage of connected charging stations and fueling stations varies by provider.
Do you want tailored advice on NS Go and linking mobility contracts for charging and refueling? Then contact our mobility consultants.
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NS Go - overview
Mobility all-in-one
Hybrid working is a fact of life: your employees want to work sometimes at home and sometimes in the office. Or start at home first, and then go to a client outside rush hour. Then they want to be able to travel using different modes of transportation, without a lot of administrative hassle. With NS Go, your employees travel flexibly and sustainably. As an employer, you give them freedom of choice, while controlling costs and minimizing administration. Moreover, you automatically comply with the CO2 reporting obligation for commuting and business trips.
An all-in-one MaaS (Mobility As A Service) provider, NS Go aims to further your mobility goals. From development to implementation and optimisation. That way, we can achieve a future-proof mobility policy for your organisation.
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