Co-travel discount
Have colleagues, friends and family travel with you at a 40% discount in off-peak hours. If you have an NS-Business Card with a subscription, or if your organisation makes use of the NS-Business Collectief, then you can give up to three fellow passengers a Co-travel discount for their trip. You will be linked to each other by means of a co-travel code. 
Samenreiskorting - hoofdbeeld
Giving a Co-travel discount
There are two ways of giving a fellow passenger a Co-travel discount: in Mijn NS Zakelijk or in the NS app. With both, it is important that you are logged in with your Mijn NS Zakelijk account. Don't have that or have you lost your login details? Read more about activating your account or retrieving your login details.
Mijn NS Zakelijk
  1. Log in to Mijn NS Zakelijk.
  2. Under heading ‘Book now’, click ‘Co-travel discount’.
  3. Select ‘Share co-travel code’.
  4. You will see the co-travel code on the next screen.
  5. Share the code with your fellow passengers by e-mail or WhatsApp.
NS app
  1. In the app, go to ‘More’ and click ‘Mijn NS’.
  2. Scroll down until you see the blue button ‘Share co-travel code’.
  3. If you click the button, you will see a co-travel code.
  4. Share this code with your fellow passenger(s) by e-mail or WhatsApp.
Before giving a Co-travel discount, it is important that your NS-Business Card is linked to the NS app. Read more about linking your NS-Business Card.
Receiving a Co-travel discount
Your fellow passenger will receive a co-travel code from you via e-mail or WhatsApp, for example. Read more about how your fellow passenger arranges a co-travel discount.
About the Co-travel discount
You can give fellow passengers a Co-travel discount if you have one of the following subscriptions on your NS-Business Card: Dal Voordeel, Traject Vrij, Trein Vrij, OV Vrij, Traject op Maat, or if your organisation has an NS-Business Collectief. 
What you should know about the Co-travel discount: 
  • You can give up to three fellow passengers a 40% discount during off-peak hours and on the weekend
  • Discount for fellow passengers with Flex subscription or train ticket.
  • Only valid when travelling together in the same carriage
  • Can be used until 4:00 am the following day.
Frequently asked questions
I can’t login in Mijn NS Zakelijk/ I’ve lost my login details
If you have a personal NS-Business Card but can’t log in to Mijn NS Zakelijk, you may not have activated your account yet. Activate your account first before logging in. If you’re your organisation’s contact person and do not have an account yet, contact NS Zakelijk customer service by calling +31 (0)30 300 11 11. If you already have an account but lost your login details, you can:
  • request a password if you’re a cardholder
  • request login details if you’re a contact person
How do I link my NS-Business Card to my account in the NS app?
If you want to give someone a Co-travel discount, view your business journeys, or book a door-to-door service, you can do all of these things in the NS app. To do so, you need to make sure that your NS-Business Card is linked to your account in the NS app. We explain how to do that as a cardholder below:
  1. In the app, go to ‘Mijn NS’ via ‘More’. 
  2. Choose ‘Log in’. 
  3. Click ‘Business’ and enter your e-mail address and password. 
  4. Link your NS-Business Card. 
If you have more than one card linked to your account in the NS app, then select your NS-Business Card as the favourite.
With which subscriptions may I give a Co-travel discount?
You can give fellow passengers a Co-travel discount if you have one of the following subscriptions on your NS-Business Card: Dal Voordeel, Traject Vrij, Trein Vrij, OV Vrij, Traject op Maat, or if your organisation has an NS-Business Collectief.
How does a fellow passenger receive a Co-travel discount?
Your fellow passenger receives a co-travel code by e-mail or WhatsApp, and they receive a discount by taking the following steps:
  1. Follow the link in the e-mail or WhatsApp message received from you as a business subscription holder.
  2. Open the NS app or
  3. Enter the co-travel code and select the ‘Use code’ button.
  4. Choose the ticket.
Your fellow passenger purchases an off-peak Single or Day return Samenreisticket in our online shop or logs into Mijn NS to use the code for the NS Flex subscription (NS Flex Basis, NS Flex Weekend Voordeel or NS Flex Weekend Vrij).
When checking your ticket, the conductor will be able to see that you are travelling together.
Please note: Co-travel discount has been updated. Until 22 April 2024, fellow passengers can still put the discount on their own OV-chipkaart at an NS ticket machine. After that date, this will no longer be possible through an NS ticket machine. Instead, you will arrange a Co-travel discount with a co-travel code. You will still be able to put a Co-travel discount on your OV-chipkaart at an NS service desk, as long as the business subscription holder and the fellow passenger go to the service desk together.
Which subscription does a fellow passenger need in order to receive a Co-travel discount?
A fellow passenger can only receive a Co-travel discount with NS Flex Basis, NS Flex Weekend Voordeel or NS Flex Weekend Vrij on their OV-chipkaart. It is not possible to receive a Co-travel discount with an NS-Business Card. 
A fellow passenger can also use the co-travel code to purchase a train ticket (Samenreisticket Dal) in the online shop.
Can I use my NS-Business Card to receive a Co-travel discount?
You can only use your NS-Business Card to give a Co-travel discount, not to receive one. If you would like to travel with someone else on a Co-travel discount, then you either need an OV-chipkaart with a Flex subscription, or to buy a Samenreisticket (Co-travel discount ticket) in our online shop. 
When are the off-peak hours?
The off-peak hours – the hours outside of the morning and afternoon peak hours – are weekdays from midnight to 6:30 am, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, and from 6:30 pm to midnight. On Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, the whole day is off-peak.
How does a fellow passenger stop their Co-travel discount?
Train ticket (Samenreisticket Dal)
The discount applies for as long as the ticket is valid. 
NS Flex Basis, NS Flex Weekend Voordeel or NS Flex Weekend Vrij subscription
The discount ceases automatically at 4:00 am the following day. 
No longer travelling together?
The train ticket immediately becomes invalid once you stop travelling with your fellow passenger. Your fellow passenger can purchase a new ticket in order to continue travelling alone.
If your fellow passenger has a NS Flex subscription, then they must check out at the carrier’s gate or pole and stop the Co-travel discount in Mijn NS. When they check in again, they will be travelling at full fare. 
All questions about Co-travel discount