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As of July 1, 2024, the 'CO2-rapportageplicht' goes into effect. Organizations with more than 100 employees will have to record commuting and business mileage and report annually from that date. This involves a lot of administrative work.
Make recording and reporting easy with NS Go. This platform gives you insight into and control of your employees' mobility. While automatically complying with the 'CO2-rapportageplicht'.
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How do you record and report your CO2?
Starting from 1 July 2024, your organisation will be required to record commuting and business mileage, to be reported for the first time by no later than 1 July 2025. The record must be split according to transport type – such as car, bicycle, public transport and shared transport – as well as fuel type. After submitting the report, you will receive recommendations on how to reduce your organisation’s CO2 emissions.
Free white paper CO2-rapportageplicht
Interested in how the recording and reporting works, and whether your organisation is adequately prepared for the 'CO2-rapportageplicht' (or ‘Normerende regeling werkgebonden personenmobiliteit’)? You can find everything you need to know in our free white paper.
Download free whitepaper (in Dutch)
Whitepaper -Normerende regeling werkgebonden personenmobiliteit-
NS Go: het mobiliteitsplatform van NS
NS Go: comply automatically with the 'CO2-rapportageplicht'
The answer to the 'CO2-rapportageplicht' is NS Go. NS Go is the mobility platform to manage your hybrid mobility policy, simplify administration and focus on sustainable mobility.
Your employees travel with their NS-Business Card using public and shared transport. All those kilometers automatically show up in NS Go. They can also add bicycle and car trips. For each trip, the platform keeps track of the characteristic (commuting, business or private), the period, the means of transport and the fuel type, and produces a CO2 report. With that report, you immediately meet the requirements of the 'CO2-rapportageplicht'.
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How does Mijn NS Zakelijk help you with the 'CO2-rapportageplicht'?
Does your organization only use the NS-Business Card? All the kilometers of your employees using public transport and shared transport will be in Mijn NS Zakelijk. And can be downloaded as a report. Through a survey you can find out which kilometers were business, commuting or private. With these results and the report you meet the requirements of the 'CO2-rapportageplicht'. Want to know more?
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NS Business Card - NS