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On the train

Several facilities are available aboard the train for travellers with a visual impairment. For example, the newest trains are equipped with an SOS button, our newest Sprinters have a retractable entrance ramp that makes it easier to board the train, and several raised signs provide important information about the train. This page provides all you need to know about the facilities available aboard the train when travelling with a visual impairment.

SOS button

Our newest trains are equipped with an SOS button near the wheelchair seats and the lavatories. You can press the SOS button when you need to call for assistance. The button is indicated by a raised 'bell' icon and the letters 'SOS'. The button is red and features LED lighting and audio feedback. When you press the button, the engineer receives a notification to inform the conductor to take immediate action. 

Retracting ramp for easy access

our newest 'Flirt' and 'SNG'-type Sprinters are equipped with low-instep retractable entrance ramps to provide easy access between the train and the platform. The retractable ramps are recognisable by their metallic finish and yellow stripe at the end.

Travel class indicators for 1st and 2nd class

NS trains offer first- and second class compartments. It is easy to recognise the travel class aboard Sprinter trains: when you board the train you are in the second class compartment, and you have to pass through a door to enter the first class compartment.

Aboard the Intercity trains, the travel class and the silence zones are indicated by raised signs. On double-decker trains, tactile signs have been installed on the stairway handrail. On standard Intercity trains, these raised signs can be found on the doors: either on the handle or next to the button to open the door. A raised 'S' sign on the door indicates the entrance to a silence compartment.

Priority seats

All of our trains are equipped with 'priority seats', which are intended for use by people who have difficulty walking or standing, such as the disabled or visually impaired, elderly people or pregnant women. These seats are located throughout the train, but are always as close to the entrance as possible.

To emphasise the difference with standard seats, the head rests on priority seats are covered in a different colour. 

Height differences on the train

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid height differences aboard the train. We can make them easier to navigate, however, using ramps, steps or stairs. Differences in height are always marked on the floor of the compartment, and the first and last steps on stairways are indicated by means of a contrasting colour strip.

Information about the side of the exit

You can use the NS App to find which side of the train to exit from at your destination. That way, you can wait on the correct side of the compartment to exit the train. If you set a push notification for arrival, the exit side will also be included in the notification you receive just before arriving at the station.

Guide dogs aboard the train

Your service dog may accompany you on the train at no extra charge. It must be clearly identifiable as a service dog or service dog in training in order to be eligible for free travel, for example by displaying the logo of a guide dog organisation on its collar, coat or handle. No Dagkaart Hond is required to travel with a service dog.