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Viewing Keuzedagen

If you would like to view your Keuzedagen (Optional days), you can do so via Mijn NS. You will be able to see your available, upcoming and used Keuzedagen. You can find out how to view your Keuzedagen on this page.

How can I view my Keuzedagen?

You can view your Keuzedagen (Optional days) by logging into Mijn NS as follows:

  1. Log in to Mijn NS.
  2. Check your homepage.
  3. Click ‘Overzicht Keuzedagen' at 'Mijn Keuzedagen’

What information about Keuzedagen can I see in Mijn NS?

You can see:

  • What's available for you to collect at the ticket machine (this is the first Keuzedag available to you, including validity information).
  • More available Keuzedagen (and the date until which they are valid).
  • Upcoming Keuzedagen (and the date from which they will be available).
  • Used Keuzedagen.

Once you've logged in, if there's a Keuzedag available to you, it will be displayed on your start screen under 'Mijn Keuzedagen’ (My optional days). This Keuzedag is ready for you to collect at the NS ticket machine.